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Welcome to E & A Control

  • We specialize in different applications across the industry. We provide technical consultancy for turnkey projects in the field of Electrical and Automation trade.
  • We undertake Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of various projects in the field of Electrical and Automation with our own chain of Panel builders.
  • We also accommodate bulk general supply orders for Electrical (industrial & commercial) and Automation goods as per the client needs on very competitive market rates.
About Us
We are a Group of Young, Dynamic, Experienced & Proficient Engineers having sound knowledge in the field of various aspects of Electrical, Automation & instrumentation Engineering.

We have handled numerous projects in the different parts of country. Projects that we had executed so far comprise of Industrial Projects like in Steel Industry, Cement Industry, Electrical Substations and other various different production houses.

One of the remarkable edges that we have on the other groups is that we have a sound support of responsible technical team with us at the time of handling the technical issues at various site situations which is undoubtedly a very important characteristic that a project team must have in order to run the project smoothly.
Our Team
Our group comprise of the flourishing combination of young and experienced individuals. Each member of our team have gained experience from the elite and prestigious group of companies, like Apollo Group, Sofcon System (one of the largest system house for Rockwell Automation), Jindal Group, BSES (Joint Venture of Delhi Govt & Reliance Power) & has proven themselves not only in the Indian sub continental region but also on the world map.

We also have a panel of senior experts serving in various fields across the industries who provide their valuable time & technical expertise in different phases of a project. Which is the only reason, we consider our edge over other service providers in this field.

The level of technical expertise our team members have is invaluable & above all the level of diversified projects these people have executed in the field of Cement Plant, Captive power plant, Sugar mills, Commercial projects, Automation related to all the fields mentioned above and also water treatment plant, manufacturing plants etc practically by their own experience which is of utmost importance for our execution, planning & all the pre planning related activities in order to steer our client in the right direction.